Friday, July 6, 2012

LibertyFest held the Taste of Edmond at the Festival Marketplace in downtown Edmond Sunday evening.

 “I think it’s the best thing going” Terry Officer, president of LibertyFest, said. “I’d recommend it for any town to have a series of events.”

The Taste of Edmond event serves as the fundraiser for LibertyFest. It mainly goes towards the parade and fireworks show on Wednesday.

 “Come early so you get a good selection in food,” Katrina Jantzen, attendee, said. “And try a little bit of everything but just a little bit because there is a lot to pick from."

For 15 dollars, people could eat food from more than 25 restaurants that had set up booths. The choices offered were Italian food, pizza, Greek food, barbeque, various desserts and others.

 LibertyFest officials do not have to work too hard to get restaurants to donate their food and time.

 “For the most part, they call us,” Officer said. “They enjoy being involved with LibertyFest. I know they were calling here even within the last few days wanting to be a part of LibertyFest.”

 Taste of Edmond also had a musician performing at the event.

 “We try to have somebody every year,” Kari Scheihing, volunteer coordinator, said. “We started that a few years ago. People really like that. It just kind of helps set the ambiance a little bit.”

 Taste of Edmond was the eighth event in the LibertyFest calendar. The next events for LibertyFest are the parade, ParkFest and the fireworks show on Wednesday.

More information about LibertyFest can be found on the LibertyFest website.

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